Joan speaks about Jesus the light of the world and how to life in that relationship.
In this talk James looks at the promises God has spoken over your life. He points out that God is good for them and talks about how to steward the promises that God has made to you.
Dean talks about trafficking and what can be done about it. He draws a parallel between various passages in Isaiah 40 about the Lord making the mountains low and raising up the valleys. His point is that various attitudes are strongholds of sin that God will bring low.
Brendan talks about the meaning of Advent. He points out that there are two relevant time perspectives: the historical and then looking forward to Jesus second coming.
This talk is in both English and Chinese. It is the gospel message presented at the baptism of Song, a Chinese immigrant to New Zealand.
Simon talks about how forgiveness is not an optional extra for a Christian. It is a requirement of God because he loves you and wants you whole.
Julia talks about the freedom that we have in Christ. She points out that it is freedom from rather than the secular view of freedom which is freedom to.
Julia talks about prayer and in particular being persistent in prayer.
In this talk Simon speaks about obedience to Christ's call.
Our guest preacher Rita Bota has a powerful message to share.
Joan speaks on grace and the love of God.
In this talk Brendan looks at Jesus call to follow him.
In this talk James looks at the passage in Romans 10: 38 to 39 about how nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
Joan speaks about what Scripture means when it says that in Christ we are a royal priesthood.
In this talk James focus on how, God gets any orphan spirit tendencies out of us. God does it by loving it out of us. James explains how in more detail.
In this talk Brendan talks about how it truly following Jesus will take you out of your comfortable life. There will be some discomfort and dying to oneself. He points out that the reason why God asks us to die to ourselves that it is the only path to new life.
In this talk Joan, looks at prayer. She impresses on us the fact that when we are saved we are saved and can imagine ourselves as children in our fathers arms.
In this talk Julia focus on the last thing to be converted for most of us, which is our wallet. She sets out how tithing is the floor not the ceiling in terms of what God is looking for.
In this talk James focuses on the Transfiguration and what typically happens after we have a mountain top experience with God.
Julia speaks about how to raise Godly children.
In this talk James looks at Jesus famous parable about the wheat and the weeds.
Joan focus on the love of God. She points out how much God loves us. She says how focusing on that reality rather than on our love for God can release us from the burden of trying to please God. He is already pleased with us in Christ. There is nothing more we need to do.
James talks about how God wants relationship and therefore invites a response from us.
This message is from a missionary. He highlights the plight of trafficked people and how as Christians we can do something about it.
Wayne speaks about the vision God has laid on his heart to do something new in the media space.
Julia talks about evangelism and plays a very convicting sound track of a vision that William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army had about the lack of concern for the spiritually lost.
Ben Carswell from TSCF shares the gospel and explains the ministry that TSCF has on campus. He also explains how Kim works for them and how one can go about supporting her work.
Julia delivers a message about Pentecost and the importance of Christian's having the Holy Spirit living in them. Come Holy Spirit.
This talk is from the special healing service held on 28 May 2017.
Simon talks about the Holy Spirit, in a message called Holy Spirit 101. He recaps on the person and role of the Holy Spirit as part of our build up to Pentecost.
Julia talks about how Jesus grew in the favour of God, and how other biblical characters attracted God's favour. She then speaks about how we can attract God's favour too.
Bishop Justin talks about catching the wave of what God is doing around us and joining in with it.
Grandon Harvey, from International Needs talks about his role and the important work that International Needs does around the world.
Joan speaks about how to go about reading the Old Testament. The key insight that she brings is to see Christ in the Old Testament. Her talk explains how.
In this talk James looks at Christ the King and how the Kingdom of God is so different to the Kingdoms of this world.
Brendan speaks about Christ's compassion.
In this talk James looks at John 9, and obedience to the real time prompts we all get from God.
In this talk Julia talks about how we hear from God, how we need to take risks for him and how focusing on the quality of our relationship with him is the key to all of this.
In this talk John Marquet a guest preacher and Anglican priest, speaks about the parallels between Abraham's journey of faith and ours. He also had a number of words of knowledge for the congregation. The sermon isthe audio file on the rise in the words of knowledge the file immediately below:
In this talk James looks at how we can become chained up by the devil, and that it is only Christ that can set us free.
I this talk Joan looks at the extravagance of God's love for us. She describes the depth how deep and wide and strong it is in terms that can sometimes surprise us.
In this talk Julia discusses the will of God and how God's will is not always done. She also talks about the presence of God and its ability to change our wills so that they align with God's will.
In this talk James looks at issue of how God feels loved by us. Christianity is all about a personal relationship with God, who loves us. He created us and and through Jesus death and resurrection made relationship with him possible. So how, within that relationship do we communicate our love of God to him.
Mike Burrows from OpenDoors speaks about the persecuted church. He focuses particularly on the dramatic increase in persecution of Christians in India between 2014 and 2017.
In this talk Julia, encourages us to "take risks for God, and have stories", which is our theme for 2017. She challenges with the notion that if we are not afraid at times by what God is calling us to do, are we actually following Jesus?
Joan kicks off 2017 by inviting us to remember who we are as Christians: we are dearly loved children of God and of infinite value.
In this talk Joan invites us to remember where we are with God.