James talks about the passage in Isaiah where the prophet speaks about the mountain of the Lord. The prophet is speaking about Jesus Christ, and how he as God is to be the person around whom our entire lift submits.
James talks about the heart posture we ought to have as Christians during Christmas.
Kath explains why Jesus birth is a big deal and provides some tips on how to stay focused on the main thing in the midst of secular culture.
Julia talks about living out our faith.
James shares some moving testimonies of how people have come, and are coming, to faith around the world.
Kath shares from the heart and explains why sin is simply bondage and how Jesus came to set us free.
Justice Miwanda from International Needs, Uganda speaks to us about mission.
This talk deals with why it is important to be able to hear from God as a Christian and how to go about it. He draws on teaching by Mark Verklier.
James references Huia Come Home, a book written by Jay Ruka in this talk. The main theme of the talk is that sometimes it is costly to do justice. That we should not confuse our comfort with God's goodness.
Kath talks about how God seeks use even when we are not looking for him.
Graydon Harvey introduces Mark from East West Ministries who speaks about evangelism.
James talks about how God talks to us in dreams sometimes and how to understand what He is saying.
Simon talks about how to go about hearing from God. He starts of telling a story about rubrics cube.
Julia talks about being close with God.
James talks about what covenant means and how it meets our most basic need far better than contracts do. He also illustrates what a covenant is by drawing a parallel with a wedding.
Julia talks about generosity.
James talks about the parallels between the ark of the covenant and Mary .
Julia talks about how we are to love one another and not condemn each other.
James talks about how the fire of the Holy Spirit is needed for all Christian endeavors and explains how that even applies to reading scripture.
James talks about open and closed visions. The talk finishes with entering the throne room of God.
Julia talks about how big God is. She also encourages us to be sold out for Jesus and not to live a luke warm Christian life.
James talks about the greatest revival that is recorded in Scripture. It is the revival in Ephesus, spoken about in Acts 19.
Julia talks about the love of God, the Father and how the shortcomings of our own parents can be erroneously projected onto God.
James talks about their time at Global Summer Intensive and street evangelism. He finishes with Julia and James praying for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. Check out what happened by clicking on the link to stories of healing and encounter.
Simon talks about how we never get to retire as Christians. God always has a task for us.
Kath talks about why it is so important to be able to discern the spirits. She uses a a funny example of getting concern booking dates wrong to make the point.
John Marquette talks about prophecy and activation on Pentecost. God has great vision for your life.
Kath Well's talks about why we need the Holy Spirit.
Mike Burrows, talks about being baptised in the Holy Spirit and activating gifts like the prophetic and speaking in tongues.
Julia explains why miracles are an important part of the gospel and not just proof that Jesus is God.
James talks about the upcoming Alpha course and inviting people. He plays some videos one of which is in Mandarin and has subtitles.
Julia talks about how we are all uniquely made and have a special task in God's kingdom.
James focuses on the Jesus and the road to Emmaus. He looks at why God prevented Cleopas and his companion from recognizing Jesus and how God opened their eyes.
Julia gives her testimony on Easter Sunday. She explains how she came to a saving faith in the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
Kath talks about the significance of what happened on Palm Sunday.
With Easter approaching James talks about what Jesus accomplished on the cross. In particular he emphasizes that not only did he procure salvation of our souls but also healing of our bodies. Julia then shares about a healing involving glaucoma.
Simon talks about creation and God's purpose for our lives.
Julia speaks about how one can love others without having to agree with everything about the other persons behavior, opinions and beliefs.
We responded to the March 15 tragedy in Christchurch, with a service of mourning. James talks about how as Christian's we respond to and process the evil that occurred on the 15th. It is followed by prayers.
Mike Burrows from open doors speaks about the persecuted church.
Julia speaks about the prodigal son and in particular the elder brother who was just as lost in his self righteousness.
Kath talks about what it means to be crucified with Christ and how all the things that we think are getting in the way of a relationship with God are not.
James talks about how we as a congregation steward our faith. He looks at obstacles to faith, misconceptions about God's will and how to avoid bitterness if one is walking through disappointment.
Julia speaks about how we hear from God.
James continues to sum up the teaching we received at New Wine 2019.
James summaries some of the teaching at New Wine 2019 on how it is that we can minister like Jesus.
Kath gives as a window into the Gospel through the prophet Isaiah.
Joan brings a message of Grace
Kath talks about how only Jesus can satisfy all our deepest needs at Christmas time.